My Spring mantle and decorations are pretty simple this year. I laid out a bunch of different things and let Kailyn pick out what she "yikes" as she says. She's really into bunnies this year so that's what we used. I think I'm on bunny overload and feeling the need to change things out but will TRY to hold out for a while, hope I can make it!
I wrote this post the beginning of May and never got around to posting it. I've been watching Sarah Monday thru Friday since Kate started her new job. She's now working for a group of oncologists and loving it! Everyone there is nice and lots of fun to work with, even the Drs. She also has a lot of perks, the best one is that if anyone in her family gets cancer, they will treat them for free even down to the insurance deductible, pretty amazing! Hopefully that service won't be needed but wonderful to know it's there. Sara and I are still adjusting it's been interesting, she's still pretty needy, having to be held a lot which means I get practically nothing done during the day. It's getting better, she's taking better naps which helps and we are having fun! She's 5 months old now and growing like crazy. She is the sweetest, happiest baby, always smiling, never fussy, only when she's letting you know she needs a nap or is hungry. I really need to upload some recent pics off my camera, hopefully soon! As you can see from the photos below, I kind of have a thing for carrots! While I was living in Wisconsin, I started picking them up at craft and antique shows and without realizing it, I had one of my first collections.
I got the carrot banner this year at Marshall's, couldn't resist!
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This is probably my favorite bunny, got him of all places, Lowe's
I haven't showed you any pics of Sarah lately, so here's a few.
(These are when she was about 3 months old)
(These are when she was about 3 months old)
Kailyn loves her sissy Sarah!
Till next time......